Jumat, 30 September 2016

Two things that are very important to me

Hello good afternoon, this time I'll tell you about things that often I carry it everywhere two it is a wallet and handpone. Why do I often bring two things? For two it is very important for me. My wallet is a place to store things or money, sim and his other letters. While handpone like life and my death that I never forget to carry wherever I go.
     If I forgot my wallet, I must have forgotten to bring money as well as his other papers like sim, ktp, and stnk. Handpone is something very obliged me take it because handpone is a container for my communications with anyone, anywhere. Handpone also have many social accounts I have.As bbm, facebook, instagram, line and others. If I forgot to bring handpone, I feel there is less complete in myself. And these two things are the most important thing for me and I will always take it everywhere I go.     I'm sure not only me who never forget to bring these two objects. Everyone must think two things are important objects. And these two objects is the biggest thing I watch. Okayyy, so was my story about two things that are very important to me.And thankyou ,good afternoon😊

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